
Tooth loss often causes physical and psychological problems: various conditions of chewing and digestive systems, temporomandibular joint develop, also parafunctional habits, speech impediments, people tend to lose confidence and tip towards depression, social status changes. Prosthetics is an opportunity to live a full life again.

The aim of prosthetics is to restore missing teeth or tooth arches and chewing functionality. The patient regains what he lost together with the teeth; first and foremost it is the ability to chew.

First, a treatment plan is drawn up. The condition of patient’s teeth is discussed in detail, also various tooth restoration methods, treatment time, process and cost are evaluated. If needed, additional radiographic and digital tests are carried out. Modern technologies allow making a prosthesis to the highest aesthetic and functional requirements.

There are two tooth restoration options: removable and non-removable (fixed) prostheses. The choice depends on the number and condition of remaining teeth.


Main types of dental prostheses are:

  • full removable dentures are used for patients who lost all teeth in the upper and/or lower jaws. Removable dentures can be fixed with dental implants for improved retention;
  • partial removable dentures are used for patients who lost several teeth; Usually, they are used to restore posterior teeth if for some reason implant treatment is not possible;
  • non-removable (fixed) prostheses are full and partial crowns, veneers, fixed partial dentures, also implant-retained fixed prostheses. They improve chewing efficiency and restore aesthetics and self-confidence. The patient regains quality of personal and social life.

Benefits of prosthetic treatment:

  • improved chewing effectiveness;
  • improved aesthetics – patients are able to smile confidently, the lips are not fallen in, have less wrinkles; dental prostheses are very similar to natural teeth in their color, transparency, size and shape;
  • better speech – it is easier to speak and pronounce words clearly;
  • improved quality of life and social integration – people socialize more confidently;
  • improved self-confidence.

At Neodenta we offer all prosthetic options using both modern and tried-and-tested materials.


Nobel All-on 4 implant system

In one visit implants are inserted and new comfortable provisional or definitive prostheses are fixed. Only four implants, instead of traditionally used 6–8 implants, are used to restore the whole dental arch.




A porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) prosthesis’ core is made of metal which is covered with porcelain the color of your natural teeth. It allows to restore both single teeth and large dental arch defects.




All-ceramic prostheses

All-ceramic prostheses are made from ceramics only. This treatment option is aesthetic, strong and durable. These prostheses allow light through and look very natural.






Zirconia ceramics

Zirconia ceramic prostheses are light and rigid and indistinguishable from natural teeth. Instead of dark metal, a white zirconia framework is used. It is more resistant than all-ceramic restorations.





Cast metal crown

Cast metal crowns are suitable for posterior teeth when durability is needed, also to strengthen fixed partial dentures.






Partial removable denture

These prostheses have a cast metal frameworks and special design. They are offered if a patient agrees to a removable denture and the remaining teeth are not damage by periodontal disease or tooth decay.




Removable dentures:



It is a flexible removable denture made from special plastic which is substantially more resistant to fractures and more aesthetic due to gingiva-colored retainers. It is more stable and takes up less space in the oral cavity, patients get used to it more easily.






Second-generation Bre.flex basic material for prostheses with no monomers. Using this material resistant and flexible partial removable dentures are manufactured.

Using modern injection-molding systems very thin partial and temporary dentures can be made.




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